In this era of modernizing public management, new forms of organization supporting collaboration between public and private bodies are emerging in almost all the sectors involved. The Local Industries Group, abbreviated as EPE SPA DIVINDUS, has embraced this vision of the emergence of new forms of collaboration and cooperation between the State and the private sector, among which public-public and/or public-private partnerships (PPPs) are explained by economic, financial, budgetary, social, political, and ideological determinants.
This policy aims to describe and reaffirm our vision of partnership as well as the principles and approaches that underlie it. Thus, we can ensure that the relationships we establish with our partners to fulfill our mission remain solid, respectful, and transparent.
Our policy is based on an organization of guiding principles, values, and “rules” that help make logical operational decisions, today and in the future, to ensure their consistency and effectiveness and reduce organizational risks.
Today more than ever, the DIVINDUS Group is looking for companies capable of creating and sustaining business, maintaining high value-added jobs, preserving the environment, optimizing the use of natural resources, promoting the regions, delivering quality public services, and protecting the common good and the general interest.
All the while continuing to ensure compliance with current regulations and standards.