Subsidiary Name

Mobilier et Construction métallique

Founding Date



+1000 Employee

Main Activities

The industrial, manufacturing and metal processing sector.


  • Metal furniture

  • Semi-heavy and heavy fixed and light mobile metal shelving

  • Metal formwork, bar work, tin, anchoring rods

  • Fuel tanks and portable water

  • Structural steel construction

  • Dumpsters, reels, bus shelters

  • Aluminum household articles coated with teflon and stainless steel

  • Production of concrete and beton agglo products

  • Factory and round concrete forming

Units List

Unité ROUIBA ex CAMMO Manufacture of metal furniture
Unité SI MUSTAPHA ex EAWA Manufacture and marketing of aluminium kitchen utensils
Unité SAIDA ex ECOMET Metal construction
Unité TEBESSA ex EIM Structural steel construction
Unité H/DEY LA GLACIERE ex EMMEWAL Manufacture of metal furniture
Unité H/DEY EL MAGHARIA ex ET METAL Metal processing
Unité GDC KOUBA ex SOFIRM Manufacture and marketing of metal shelving
Unité KHEMIS MILIANA ex SOTRAMET Foundry and road product

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